Monday, April 30, 2012

Conclusion: Many years ago, 460, B.C. to be exact, Hippocrates once said, “let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. I am just now understanding what that truly statement means. How I treat my body does matter, and this is not just referring to eating right and being physically active. I need to take time to sleep, relax and rejuvenate to, or no amount of eating right and exercising will make up for the stress that I put on myself. If I take care of my body, mind and spirit, my body will in turn take care of me. But, nutrition does play a large role in overall wellness, as foods interact with the body in various ways. Food affects hormones, provides tools for maintenance, and helps in sustaining its miraculous functions. Simply put, food serves a functional purpose, and it should not be overlooked. My goal is to develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. I want to live a full, healthy life. My desire is to enjoy it along the way, and still maintain wellness till the day I leave this earth. In the past I have been pretty tough on myself on always getting everything right, including being “healthy”, but I have found that there is such thing as over doing it. My new health mission statement is this: To develop and cultivate a healthy mind, body and spirit. I desire to be healthy, fit and energetic so that I can enjoy life to the fullest and have the energy to pursue all my goals. I will do this by exercising regularly, following a nutritious diet and eliminating negative habits that are impacting my health. I understand how important a healthy spirit is to having a healthy body, and I will strive to allow myself time to refresh and rejuvenate (instead of constantly pushing myself so hard to accomplish much more than I need to on a daily basis). On a nutritional level I will focus on eating whole foods, avoid fad diets, choose appropriate portion sizes, and balance food choices with your activity level. Stay posted for the things to come!

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